Thursday, October 11, 2012

aPad-12: Lightning and Thunder

A Paragraph a Day: Lightning and Thunder

I REMEMBER when lightning scared me as a child. Now, I have my face scrunched against the glass patio door--with a handful of popcorn--waiting for the next bolt to light up the sky.

ZEUS SAID hi, and it's a glorious event! Lightning kind of looks similar to when you try turning on your lamp and the bulb goes out, a quick flash then nothing. Thunder, on the other hand, happens a little after ( I've heard each second you wait between the flash and the roar, the lightning originates an additional mile away). It's a rumble/angry stomach cramp kind of sound that is so fun to hear.

I CAN'T believe I used to cry and cover my ears as a kid whenever two of nature's coolest events took place. I guess I was more child than writer back then. Now, someone hand me my blankey--I have authoring to do . . . after a short nap, that is.

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