A Paragraph a Day: A-Maze-ing Corn Maze
I WENT along with the misses to the Largest Corn Maze on earth yesterday, and I could not come up with a solid, non-cliche story idea. The long, narrow rows of twelve foot tall corn--along with the feeling of being along--just leads itself to hockey mask killers with machetes. Suffice to say, all of my first pass of ideas had to do with horror tropes.
THE MAZE itself was awesome. The smell of husk and dust filled my nostrils, not too strong, while the sound of swaying corn and muffled voices surround us. The ground was mostly sturdy dirt with a few instances of divots to trip up a person's step. I actually said excuse me to a teen girl and she jumped and screamed like I was some hockey mask wearing psycho. Well, my name is Jason, after all. . .
IT WAS a fun filled first attempt at the corn maze with my significant other. I would surely do it again.
PS: I finally came up with an exciting corn maze story idea just minutes before going to sleep last night. I cant' wait to write it!
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