Monday, September 30, 2013

Author Jason Jack on 'Taking Control'

Dear author Jason Jack, what do you think about our lots in life?
It is important to understand that if you don’t take control of your life then your life will take control of you.

I've been around, met, and spoken to so many people that blame the world and its obstacles for their short comings: their bad health is because they don’t have the time or means, their extra weight is because they don’t have time or the means—life just has not provided them the means to do better.

This is a fallacy.

Everyone is born with the means to do better. We may be born into a less privileged environment, which is a strong current in the face of our ascension, but we only allow failure if we use our shortcomings as excuses to why we can’t succeed.

Some people have it worse than others (little known fact—I was once homeless, been to shelters and lived in my parents car, and grew up in poverty) but every person’s obstacles are equally important. And first and foremost, it is up to the individual to find that motivation and drive from within to do better. To escape the less fortunate environment. To ascend into a better place mentally, spiritually, financially, career wise, or whatever may be the goal to achieve.

As humans, we are mortal. We do not have the time to blame the world or others for our lots in life. For if we do, we will remain bitter (an ill way to live). All it takes is for you, me, or the next person to wake up and say, “I’m going to take control of my life” and mean it. 

Enact upon it, and live it.

Flip the switch and take control, because we have a lot more weight on how we live our lives than we think.

SO . . .

Stop telling yourself you can’t change your life. Because, you can. You may have a sky high mortgage, tens of thousands of dollars of debt, or thirteen children (heck, you could be homeless), but you still have you. And you’re ability to do more today than you did yesterday is the best asset in the world.

Use it.

Until next time,

--Author Jason Jack.

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