Friday, September 27, 2013

Author Jason Jack on 'Happiness'

Dear author 'The Jason Jack, what do you think about Happiness?
It's something more people need to place at the center of their lives, if not their entire existence.

My mom always told me "in order to make other people happy, you have to be happy first". What I took away? Happiness spreads. Being happy encourages other people to be happy.

And I'm glad I was told this at a younger age (early teens), because it was a mantra I've kept with me even unto today. Life can be cut short at any moment and to live even a single day with a grey rain cloud hanging overhead is a horrible way to experience the world.

That's why I don't deal with negative people or situations, and you shouldn't either. If I have the option, I will remain cordial but cut him/her out of my life. This is not mean, it is a way to ensure your life is the best it can be. Ever heard of the saying "surround yourself with positive people"? Well, the put-you-downers must go!

Corrosive, leech like "friends", "family members", and even "spouses" need not remain in your orbit, and you ALWAYS have the final say on who stays and who goes (I put those groups in quotes because honest people who want you to be happy will not bring you down). Do NOT let anyone ever guilt or mentally restrain you into staying in a toxic relationship. Excise the habits and people that are keeping you from smiling in the morning, laughing in the afternoon, and truly enjoying life at night.

Just have the courage to step up and say, "I'm going to be happy. I'm getting rid of the trash right now!"

I think too many people want happiness but do not take the necessary steps to ensure it happens. So, today and not tomorrow, start searching for that dream job, read that book you've wanted to read for the past year, hang out with that friend who believes in your dreams and stop talking to that friend who only wants to complain, complain, complain.

AND REMEMBER . . . Complaining is not venting!

Venting is meant to make you feel better while putting your problem into words. Once you understand the problem, you can face it head on, solve it, and feel the happiness of satisfaction. This is productive.

Complaining, on the other hand, is not productive in the slightest. It's meant to put people, institutions, and situations in a bad light. It's not meant to be productive but to harm. And happiness' weakness is negativity, hate, and harmful aura.

SO . . .

Take control of your life and put happiness back at the center. Start building a life where you love working, you partake in meaningful relationships with those around you, and you take care of yourself without letting others dictate your life.

Because, honestly, when are you going to start living? Tomorrow or today? I choose to smile now. What about you?

Until next time.

---Author "The Jason Jack"

The Habits of Supremely Happy People, by the

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