Author Jason Jack, what do you think about keeping a positive outlook?
For new and old readers of my blog, I'm all about striving to keep a positive mindset. And with each new post, I try to keep that positivity going.
Thus, I believe remaining upbeat makes life so much easier!
Really, now, there is so much negativity in the world. People complaining, berating, judging, name calling, badgering, insulting . . . . the list of negative things we read in out news headlines and in our daily lives is mind boggling and is such a downer :(
That's why it is important--no, VITAL--that the supporters of staying positive champion the cause of spreading a happy mindset. Let's spread smiles like it's the new thing to do :)
Because, when you're happy, you're alleviated of stress, you're not debilitated by grim outlooks or the tenuous fear of tomorrow, and you're able to focus on the here and now. You're grateful for the moment, and you enjoy life. What could be better than a happy no stress life?
There's no need for insults when you're positive because you have no room for insecurity, hate. There's no room for anger because you want yourself and others to succeed in life. All life is productive and fulfilling. This is what we strive for, I hope. I know this is what I strive for.
And there are going to be days where we all feel like crap, that tomorrow's not another day to do better but to do worse. And on those days, we deal. We let ourselves feel that burden we create in our minds, then we conquer it and move on. It is important to understand those negative feelings in order to get stronger, to grow, to get past whatever it was that was holding you back. Once you have that understanding, positivity is on the other side of the door.
I do, however, think it's harder for some people to stay positive than others. For those people, find peace. Burden yourself with the task of delving into the deepest part of your anger, hate, dark emotions with the mindset of conquering them. You will not be held back in life because of a seeded hatred. You will over come it. You are strong.
For those who are positive, you know how good it feels to wake up and understand how lucky it is that we're even alive. You know how awesome it feels when someone laughs, smiles, the small joys in life. This world will be a much better place if we were all smiling. Or, at least trying :)
SO . . .
Let's strive for greatness, happiness, and an overall positive mindset. Let's give others the benefit of the doubt and not yell, be cautious but help those in need, and focus on the good instead of bathing in the bad. I won't stop until a headline article such as "child helps elderly couple across the street" isn't gawked at because it's a rare/niche occurrence, but until it is an everyday thing.
The world will be better for it. You will be better for it. At least, I think so. But hey, that's just me being positive :)
Until next time.
--Author Jason Jack
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