Author Jason Jack here, interneters, with 5 ways for you to have a positive Thanksgiving! Just in time, too. Turkey Day looms ever closer.
1. Make sure you're Turkey isn't alive
If your Turkey's gobbling, there's a problem. You don't want to find out the frozen turkey you bought at the grocery store was really a cryogenically frozen one waiting for its moment of thawing. That'd screw up any Thanksgiving!
Now that that's out of the way, onto some real advice :)
2. Shop early, don't be a sucker
One sure fire way to enjoy Thanksgiving with a smile is to buy your food early. Like, this weekend. I can speak from experience, shopping the day before IS NOT fun. No rolls, no Turkey, limited gravy, no corn, and just a few boxes of stuffing lined the shelves of the grocery stores I visited. I felt like a sad vulture circling through empty aisles. Save yourself a headache and keep positive by buying early.
3. Plan, plan, plan!
You have family coming over in ten minutes and everything looks good except you find out you haven't started cooking the pies and your spouse forgot to cook the gravy and mashed potatoes. Doh!
A positive Thanksgiving is one that flows with as little fuss as possible. This weekend, plan out when you are going to wake, and who is going to do what, come next Thursday. Assign tasks and make a list of everything that needs to be cooked. A well thought out day is a happy day (with minimal errors, your family and stomach will thank you later!)
4. Sleep is for our well being
Sleep. Don't underestimate this powerful five letter word. Get a good nights rest Wednesday, do some breathing exercises if you have to, and clear your mind. Thank of all of the food, the family, and the happiness that is about to come your way.
There is nothing to worry about. You planned ahead, you shopped ahead, tasks have been assigned, and so on. All you have to do is close your eyes and count sheep. You'll be well rested for the big day and have a cheery demeanor to go along with all of your energy.
5. Eeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaat!
You can't be positive on Thanksgiving without splurging on the food you worked tirelessly to make, so you might as well enjoy it. Stock that plate with rolls, gravy, corn, sweet potatoes, sweet pickles, veggies, cranberry sauce, pie, ham perhaps, and of course Turkey! There's nothing more satisfying than seeing your friends and family do the same. Don't forget to unwind and enjoy yourself.
I hope these five things will help you enjoy your Thanksgiving much more :)
So . . .
What are you going to do for Thanksgiving? Staying local or traveling? And how about that Black Friday, huh? Now that it has officially oozed its way into Thanksgiving, what's it going to be? Shop, eat, or both?
Until next time, have a safe and positive weekend!
--Author Jason Jack
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