Author Jason Jack, how can I accomplish my goals?
A lot of people in this world have a hard time figuring out what they want to do with their lives (a topic for another day), and when they do, they tend to have an even harder time figuring out how to accomplish their goal. This may or may not be you, but perhaps you know a person or two who you could consider a "life long soul searcher".
I would like to present a question to help those continually searching, and the hopefully lost, on their paths to excellence. Ask yourself, then, "what do I want to accomplish?"
It starts with that. It's as simple as that.
But before we move on, I want to present the outline to 'Accomplishing Goals'. Here it is :)
- Ask Yourself, What do I want to accomplish?
- Answer the question
- Research and Practice
- Immerse Yourself
- Don't Give Up!
What do I want to accomplish? Well, what do you love to do?
There is no right or wrong answer to what you want to do or accomplish. You need to ask yourself what it is you would like to do. And saying "I don't know" is not an answer! If you like reading, there are careers out there for you. If you enjoy staying active, there is a wealth of careers available to you as well.
Make a list of what you like to do. Go ahead, do it. The list can be as long as you like. Include your hobbies, activities you do for fun, and things that make you happy.
You must start with a solid foundation of what you like and love to do. Then, we can move on to the next step.
Research Your Heart Out!
To reach your goal, you need to understand your goal. And that requires the fun that is research!
Let's say you love shopping and you also enjoy telling your friends the awesomeness of the new fashion line or electronic gadget. You are so in love with buying and telling, you decide you want to tell the world your opinion on products, and you want to create a YouTube series on product reviews.
You already found out what you want to accomplish, now you must research. Luckily, there is a near infinite amount of resources at your disposal.
I included my go-to favorites (just exchange what you what to accomplish with "video creation" in the examples below):
- Books: Buy books or go to the library to find books on making YouTube videos.
- Internet: Search the web for anything that has to do with video creation
- Videos: Watch video tutorials either online or on DVD concerning video creation
- Podcast: Search the web for podcasts that talk about creating YouTube videos
- People: search the phone book or online directory to find people near you that can help with video production
- Social Networks: Scour Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. for valuable experts and peers that share your love for video creation. Be polite, but pick their minds!
- Library: Visit the library to check out books on video creation; ask the librararins
- Visit Institutions: And take trips to places that do video creation
The idea is to think of all the possible resources you have at your disposal and use them to their fullest.
Furthermore, immerse yourself in whatever it is you want to accomplish. Read about it, think about it, watch videos, listen to podcasts, talk to your peers, and compile all the information you can--eat, sleep, and poop what you love to do (but do not shirk your other responsibilities!).
And while you are doing this, it is important to start doing what it is you want to do.
-I repeat, start doing what you want to do!-
If you want to be a pro baseball player, go outside, grab a few buddies, and work on you batting skills. Do this as many times you can a day, a week, a month, and so on. If you want to make videos as I stated above, point that webcam/smartphone at your face and start recording. Now!
With the information that you're learning, along with your active experience of doing, you'll get better. You'll improve and begin actively stepping towards your main goal. Practice makes perfect, and practice bears results.
SO . . .
Just keep at it until you make it. Keep learning, keep practicing, and keep looking for new opportunists to attain knowledge and to apply yourself to your goals.
Always remember that people only fail when they stop trying or when they give up on themselves. But, that's not you. Don't give up, because you're on the road to success. The road may be one day or one mile, one year or ten miles, but as long as you keep slugging away, you'll accomplish what you set out to do.
You'll accomplish your goals. One step at a time.
Until next week.
--Author Jason Jack
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