Monday, March 17, 2014

Moving Forward, Staying Positive

Long time no see (at least on this blog), interneters!

Author Jason Jack here to give you a "state of the author" address, something, something :)

Let's go!

1. This Blog: Writer's Workshop

I've enjoyed writing for three consecutive months about all things positive during the latter half of 2013 and continuing into 2014, but lately I've been struggling to post content that--as an author--resonates with me. And after a long, hard process of eating doughnuts, taking naps, and chasing my tail, I found the solution: I will write when I have something to say :)

And honestly, that's the best writing (and that's why this 'Writer's Workshop' blog has gone silent four the past few weeks). But that doesn't mean this author is far off.

I've actually started a daily blog while I was away. Let's take a look, shall we?

2. First Line First.

  • If you are hankering for more of my content, check out on a daily basis for original opening lines of fiction stories.

  • I delve into the creative spirit and come up with funny, sometimes cringe worthy, attention grabbing, and (hopefully) epic first lines for the heck of it.


#54 Gator Dater
It's a fact: Dating is harder than wrestling an alligator.

#51 Silent Muggers
The group of mimes surrounded him, boxing him in from all sides.

#42 Beer Belly Blues
An out of work dragon was a very sad sight.

It's a lot of fun, and I hope readers will enjoy the daily read while authors take note on how easy and fun it is to create compelling first lines.

3. Walapie Media:
(Walapie Media Books)

I've also created a creative guild where I could explore other creative endeavors I found interesting. Please welcome Walapie Media! :)

I really wanted to create an umbrella for all of my works and affiliates works.

And I've been working very hard (and I hope all of you have been, too). I've created 4 books so far specifically for Walapie including two blank Sudoku puzzle books, a Tic Tac Toe activity book, and a book of Animal themed Hangman books for children.

This ride has been so much fun. Why? Because I'm not chasing my dreams, I'm making them come true.

4. Stay Positive!!!!

Everything above, the daily blog to the creative umbrella and all of the works I've written, only happened because I stayed positive. 

And from that happy mindset, I created belief in myself which I backed by hard work and . . .  consistent hard work :)

If I can go out and create something form nothing, I believe every one of you reading can, too.

So, like always, what are you waiting for? Achieve your dreams.

Until next time,
--The Jason Jack