Monday, September 30, 2013

Author Jason Jack on 'Taking Control'

Dear author Jason Jack, what do you think about our lots in life?
It is important to understand that if you don’t take control of your life then your life will take control of you.

I've been around, met, and spoken to so many people that blame the world and its obstacles for their short comings: their bad health is because they don’t have the time or means, their extra weight is because they don’t have time or the means—life just has not provided them the means to do better.

This is a fallacy.

Everyone is born with the means to do better. We may be born into a less privileged environment, which is a strong current in the face of our ascension, but we only allow failure if we use our shortcomings as excuses to why we can’t succeed.

Some people have it worse than others (little known fact—I was once homeless, been to shelters and lived in my parents car, and grew up in poverty) but every person’s obstacles are equally important. And first and foremost, it is up to the individual to find that motivation and drive from within to do better. To escape the less fortunate environment. To ascend into a better place mentally, spiritually, financially, career wise, or whatever may be the goal to achieve.

As humans, we are mortal. We do not have the time to blame the world or others for our lots in life. For if we do, we will remain bitter (an ill way to live). All it takes is for you, me, or the next person to wake up and say, “I’m going to take control of my life” and mean it. 

Enact upon it, and live it.

Flip the switch and take control, because we have a lot more weight on how we live our lives than we think.

SO . . .

Stop telling yourself you can’t change your life. Because, you can. You may have a sky high mortgage, tens of thousands of dollars of debt, or thirteen children (heck, you could be homeless), but you still have you. And you’re ability to do more today than you did yesterday is the best asset in the world.

Use it.

Until next time,

--Author Jason Jack.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Author Jason Jack on 'Happiness'

Dear author 'The Jason Jack, what do you think about Happiness?
It's something more people need to place at the center of their lives, if not their entire existence.

My mom always told me "in order to make other people happy, you have to be happy first". What I took away? Happiness spreads. Being happy encourages other people to be happy.

And I'm glad I was told this at a younger age (early teens), because it was a mantra I've kept with me even unto today. Life can be cut short at any moment and to live even a single day with a grey rain cloud hanging overhead is a horrible way to experience the world.

That's why I don't deal with negative people or situations, and you shouldn't either. If I have the option, I will remain cordial but cut him/her out of my life. This is not mean, it is a way to ensure your life is the best it can be. Ever heard of the saying "surround yourself with positive people"? Well, the put-you-downers must go!

Corrosive, leech like "friends", "family members", and even "spouses" need not remain in your orbit, and you ALWAYS have the final say on who stays and who goes (I put those groups in quotes because honest people who want you to be happy will not bring you down). Do NOT let anyone ever guilt or mentally restrain you into staying in a toxic relationship. Excise the habits and people that are keeping you from smiling in the morning, laughing in the afternoon, and truly enjoying life at night.

Just have the courage to step up and say, "I'm going to be happy. I'm getting rid of the trash right now!"

I think too many people want happiness but do not take the necessary steps to ensure it happens. So, today and not tomorrow, start searching for that dream job, read that book you've wanted to read for the past year, hang out with that friend who believes in your dreams and stop talking to that friend who only wants to complain, complain, complain.

AND REMEMBER . . . Complaining is not venting!

Venting is meant to make you feel better while putting your problem into words. Once you understand the problem, you can face it head on, solve it, and feel the happiness of satisfaction. This is productive.

Complaining, on the other hand, is not productive in the slightest. It's meant to put people, institutions, and situations in a bad light. It's not meant to be productive but to harm. And happiness' weakness is negativity, hate, and harmful aura.

SO . . .

Take control of your life and put happiness back at the center. Start building a life where you love working, you partake in meaningful relationships with those around you, and you take care of yourself without letting others dictate your life.

Because, honestly, when are you going to start living? Tomorrow or today? I choose to smile now. What about you?

Until next time.

---Author "The Jason Jack"

The Habits of Supremely Happy People, by the

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wallpaper Wednesday! In That Moment

Welcome to 'Wallpaper Wednesday!' for my new short story, In That Moment!
(In That Moment, front cover)
To celebrate the release of In That Moment, I wanted to give all of you interneters out there FREE wallpapers for your desktop/laptop computers!
I've provided the wallpaper in two sizes. So, pick your favorite and feel free to plaster them around the net as you like :) Enjoy!
Background 1024x768:
WALLPAPERInThatMoment copy
Background 1336x768:
WALLPAPERInThatMoment1336 copy
Book Description:
What Would You Do?
Charles Frank has it all. A loving wife, an adorable newborn daughter, and a good paying job. But on his way home, one second--one moment--shatters his entire picture-perfect life, and he is forced to make the toughest choice he has ever faced--
To live or to die?
Purchase Here:
PaperbackKindle / Nook / Smashwords / Full PDF


Download My New Short Story For FREE!

To celebrate the release of my new short story, In That Moment, I want to give it away--for FREE! (*story provided in PDF format)

If you are a Smashwords user, you may also download the file at its Smashword product page.
If you want to support me (the author), download the Kindle version which includes my commentary of the piece and an excerpt from my short story, Pleasure Button! :)


PRODUCT PAGE: In That Moment

Sunday, September 22, 2013

COVER REVEAL DAY #4: In That Moment

I just finished writing a short story about the power of a human's ability to choose. And I thoroughly enjoyed it.

And today, I reveal the cover in full.

Isn't it a beaut?

'In That Moment' is a suspenseful short story that challenges you, the reader, to make the ultimate choice regarding life, death, and a human's ability to choose.

For more information, check out the Amazon Product Page here.

Friday, September 20, 2013


For the next 5 days, take part in the HALLOWEEN DOWNLOAD GIVEAWAY of You Draw The Adventure: The Zombie Who Didn't Fit in!
From September 20th to September 24th, log into your account and download my innovative children's book, The Zombie Who Didn't Fit in, for FREE!
If you enjoy what you read, feel free to purchase the physical version for you and the special children in your life!
Start celebrating Halloween 2013 with a bang by downloading digital copies of my You Draw The Adventure series for FREE! Come back next week to continue the Halloween Download Giveaway!
See PROMOTIONS page for details of upcoming promotions.
Author The Jason Jack (that's me!) is the author of over a dozen books, numerous short sorties, and is the creator of the world's first/innovative children book series, You Draw The Adventure! Enjoy!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

COVER REVEAL DAY #3: That Author Info

I just finished writing a short story about the power of a human's ability to choose. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. From now until the end of the week, I will reveal the cover.

Today, let's reveal the Author info and placement:

The font choice is quite lovely, but it took a long time to get all of the fonts and the background to mesh perfectly together :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

COVER REVEAL DAY #2: That Tagline

I just finished writing a short story about the power of a human's ability to choose. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. From now until the end of the week, I will reveal the cover.

Today, let's reveal the tagline: Would you sacrifice your life for another?

It's starting to come together quite nicely :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I just finished writing a short story about the power of a human's ability to choose. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. From now until the end of the week, I will reveal the cover.

Today, let's look at the canvas in its infancy.
I found a nice photo of a road in the public domain. With the addition of a white gradient layer with texture, and black gradients in the bottom corners, the background was set for publication.

Tune in tomorrow when I reveal a little more. If you can't stand the tease, head to my AMAZON store to see the finished product :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Best Feelings In The World!

Writing provides two of the best feelings in the world for me.

1. Watching people react to my work.

  After finishing my first published work, I gave it to some of my colleagues. Of course there was hesitation on my part, mostly over design choices they didn't even notice: Would they hate the font choices, the cover design, the page numbers. Would they notice how horrible the back cover looked?

  None of them even looked at the back cover. Instead, they maneuvered straight to the inner workings of the book. All of my doubts were in my head, and all of my doubts washed away the moment each one laughed. And smiled. Yes. This was the reaction I hoped for, and it was happening in front of me.

  “A calmness came about my being” is the best way I could describe how I felt when I saw something I created, and poured over for many sleepless nights, make another living being react the way I intended. It was (and still is!) a wondrous feeling with little to no equal.

2. Making a sale while I sleep.

  Just the other week, it happened again. I went to sleep. A daily habit I often wish I did not have to endure so I can be more productive. The next morning, I awoke, ate breakfast, then checked my recent sales. And there it was: I made sales when I was unconscious, asleep, in dreamsville. It was truly amazing to me.

  I've been working hard to do what I love to do while making a living. And I've been doing this for over three years now on a full time basis with the focus on creating quality works at reasonable prices for the consumer. To find that while I was not even writing, or even conscious, I made a transaction was an amazing feeling. I officially turned my love in life (of writing, creating) into something that provides fulfillment emotionally and recently financially. Something I wish more people in this world could do.
  The best feelings in the world often come about by doing what you love to do and sharing it with the people you care most about. Satisfaction. Happy. Euphoric. But I wonder how many of you have shared such feelings for accomplishing your goals, dreams, and loves in life.

  For those who haven’t, start taking more risks. As long as you aren't hurting yourselves or hurting others and their property, go out and do what you love to do.

  Be satisfied now, because life is often times too short.
  Until next time.

--Author Jason Jack

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Message For Those Who Purchased REJECTED FCF

fortune cookie  10

Turns out, Mr. Fortune was wrong about this one ;)
For all of you who have purchased my new book, REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes, I would like to say thank you. Now, please bare with me.

It was recently brought to my attention there were a handful of minor, and I stress minor, grammatical mistakes throughout the copy of REJECTED that was sent out for publication, both physical and digital. All of these errors have been fixed to the best of my ability, and I'm truly sorry for the errors.

I created a following timeline to when the new files will be available at each shop (these are rough estimates provided on the data I have):

Barnes and Noble Digital (Nook): 9/15 or 9/16
Amazon Kindle: 9/15 or 9/16
Amazon Physical: 9/17
Smashwords Digital: 9/15
Lulu Digital: 9/15
Sony, Kobo, iStore, and others: Within a week or two.

Good news is if you already purchased the digital copy, you can re-download the updated, error-free copy as soon as it comes available! Cool beans! Again, I'm sorry if Mr. Fortune seems a little drunk, mixing "your" with "you're" from time to time. But trust me when I say this new edit has sobered him up quite a bit :)

  • You Draw The Adventure: The Cuddly Kitten
  • You Draw The Adventure: The Zombie Who Didn't Fit In
Both of these titles should be back up by the end of the weekend, Monday 9/17 at the latest, in preparation for their inclusion in expanded distribution. Simply put, these titles will soon be available in even more stores!
Thank you for your patience, and keep your web browsers locked onto in the coming weeks. There is much more exciting writing to come.

---The Jason Jack, Author and Ice Cream Connoisseur

Friday, September 13, 2013

Love What You Do Or Prepare to Settle!

All I've ever wanted to do, since I was a child, is create.
Just use my imagination and create.

All I ever LOVED to do was create. Draw, write, make worlds that I enjoyed. And as I got older, I enjoyed sharing these creations with friends and family, classmates and peers, professors and parents. The positive reactions made me proud of my accomplishments, while the scathing reviews cut deep. Either way, I never gave up. I simply improved.

Because, I have always found time to do what I loved. Being a full time writer with a part time job is a lot of work, stress, and self doubt but I love writing. I love creating. No doubt having a full time job with part time writing would be just as hard, maybe harder.

But lately, I've noticed other people who have constructed boundaries between themselves and their passion. Their love in life: too old, too busy, work too many hours, too tired. And it's all BS.

I've been there, and I occasional return to these excuses myself form time to time. But anything worth doing is worth that extra effort, even if it's just ten minutes a day. I'm privileged with a hardened spirit that won't give up which means I will self correct over a short period of time, wiping (at least for a moment) the doubt and defeatist in my mind. I'm also VERY privileged to have such a caring, and loving spouse that tries her best to snap me out of my brooding when it's time to do so. Thanks, boo :)

But more than anything, I'm proud to have this clear image in my mind, something not to off in the distance. I've never doubted my skill or work effort. What I'm doing is never an "if" it's a when. I will write, I will create my own covers, I will learn how to do everything (from formatting to cover design) because I am driven. I will follow the publishing industry and I will create my own course. I will NEVER let others dictate my love of creation. I will be knowledgeable, humble, and remain sincere.

And I will be successful. No. I am successful solely based on the fact I've risked it all to do what I love. Not many people can say that.

I look to the woman next to me, so strong and vigilant: a teacher, a part time job, going to college. And my mother with two jobs, no sleep. Two powerful woman who work harder than most, and I strive to work just as hard.

And you should too. Don't settle. Don't let others tell you what to do especially when you know more than them, when you know better than them. But remain humble and listen; be respectful, but never settle.

From me to all of you, have a very happy weekend and take some risks :)

--Author Jason Jack

PROMO: REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortune #27

fortune cookie 5
Oh, dang, Mr. Fortune. What bitter, bitter truth you depart upon us. *shrugs* Well, at least that's less effort on my part ;)
"Told from the hilarious and often times pessimistic perspective of a disgruntled paper fortune, REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes is a no-holds-barred tome of hilarious bad advice (mis-fortunes you'll never see from the cookies at your local Chinese restaurant) that will make you laugh out loud!"
50Off copy
To celebrate the release of my new, *hilarious* book, REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes, you can purchase a digital copy from SMASHWORDS.COM at 50% off! And you can do this in three simple steps!
1. Create a account.
2. Go to REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortune’s product page and add to cart.
3. At checkout enter “PF28G” (not case sensitive) into the coupon field!
REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes is a tome of fortunes too morbid, sarcastic, ballsy, and hilarious for your regular fortune cookie to handle!



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wallpaper Wednesday! REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes

Welcome to 'Wallpaper Wednesday!' for my new book, REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes!
To celebrate the release of REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes, I wanted to give all of you interneters out there FREE wallpapers for you desktop/laptop computers!
I've provided two variations in two sizes. So, pick your favorite and feel free to plaster them around the net as you like :) Enjoy!
White Background 1024x768:
White Background 1336x768:
Black Background 1024x768:
Black Background 1336x768:
Book Description:
REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes is a tome of fortunes too morbid, sarcastic, ballsy, and hilarious for your regular fortune cookie to handle!

Monday, September 9, 2013

PROMO: REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortune #56

Mr. Fortune, you don't have to tell me twice to grab that maple bar, chocolate old fashioned! Now that's a fortune I can live with :)
"Told from the hilarious and often times pessimistic perspective of a disgruntled paper fortune, REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes is a no-holds-barred tome of hilarious bad advice (mis-fortunes you'll never see from the cookies at your local Chinese restaurant) that will make you laugh out loud!"
50Off copy
To celebrate the release of my new, *hilarious* book, REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes, you can purchase a digital copy from SMASHWORDS.COM at 50% off! And you can do this in three simple steps!
1. Create a account.
2. Go to REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortune’s product page and add to cart.
3. At checkout enter “PF28G” (not case sensitive) into the coupon field!
REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes is a tome of fortunes too morbid, sarcastic, ballsy, and hilarious for your regular fortune cookie to handle!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

PROMO: REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortune #63

Love hurts :) But there has to be an extent for everything. Matters of the heart included. Thanks, Mr. Fortune for the advice! ;)
"Told from the hilarious and often times pessimistic perspective of a disgruntled paper fortune, REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes is a no-holds-barred tome of hilarious bad advice (mis-fortunes you'll never see from the cookies at your local Chinese restaurant) that will make you laugh out loud!"
50Off copy
To celebrate the release of my new, *hilarious* book, REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes, you can purchase a digital copy from SMASHWORDS.COM at 50% off! And you can do this in three simple steps!
1. Create a account.
2. Go to REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortune’s product page and add to cart.
3. At checkout enter “PF28G” (not case sensitive) into the coupon field!
REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes is a tome of fortunes too morbid, sarcastic, ballsy, and hilarious for your regular fortune cookie to handle!

Friday, September 6, 2013

COVER DESIGN: The Evolution of 'REJECTED' Covers

Hello, readers! Today, I want to tell you about the creative process and evolution behind the cover for my newest, hilarious book, REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes! Here's the final cover for all those wondering.
Now, let's go back to the beginning.
The idea for this book was to create hundreds of fortunes that you normally would not see in "real life".  Simple. The purpose of a cover is to market and communicate that idea to everyone else. And it doesn't hurt if the cover looks good, either.
In my experience, all good covers
  • 1. Will look good in thumbnail form. This is how most readers will see the cover online.
  • 2. Must look good in black and white. This is to make sure your title and name contrasts the background on black and white digital devices (think Nook and Kindle).
  • 3. Have to have flow/good composition of elements/complementary color scheme. This is the artistic merit part. The cover just has to look "good".
With that said, let's look at some of the rejected covers for REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes!
Straight off the bat (on my first attempt), I had rule number 1 and 2 locked down. My name and the title would be easily legible in thumbnail form and in black and white because the large font titles would contrast the white background. I chose yellow because I connoted the color with fortune cookies and purple happened to be yellow's complementary color.
The font for everything except the title looked professional, and the placement of the font and fortune cookie were legit. But, that title font had to go. Also, capitalized REJECTED looked better than REJECTED! with an exclamation point. See for yourself.
I did away with the texture on the title, moved the font around to make the overall cover eye-appealing, and added a purple banner behind REJECTED.
The banner was the missing link, that extra something to make the cover pop and equal out the purple of the lower half with the top half. The title font, however, still wasn't clicking with me . . .
Enough said about this one.
My sweet Misses rotated the title when I went to the bathroom. She was on to something. I tried many different fonts (that didn't work, including the one on this attempt) until I stumbled upon something better.
This near finished cover has the finalized font, but one thing was missing: an example of a rejected fortune, something the reader could easily understand. So, I decided to add "You suck" to the paper sticking out of the cookie. I also changed the background to an off-white color for printing reasons.
Tada! Cover finished. Oh, wait let's do the black and white check . . .
And now we're done :)
I hoped you enjoyed today's post. And I hope you all understand how much goes into creating a near perfect cover. From the best font choice to colors, contrast to composition, it's hard work :) But worth it. Well, what do you think?
REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes
"Told from the hilarious and often times pessimistic perspective of a disgruntled paper fortune, REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes is a no-holds-barred tome of hilarious bad advice (mis-fortunes you'll never see from the cookies at your local Chinese restaurant) that will make you laugh out loud!"
50Off copy
To celebrate the release of my new, *hilarious* book, REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes, you can purchase a digital copy from SMASHWORDS.COM at 50% off! And you can do this in three simple steps!
1. Create a account.
2. Go to REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortune’s product page and add to cart.
3. At checkout enter “PF28G” (not case sensitive) into the coupon field!
REJECTED Fortune Cookie Fortunes is a tome of fortunes too morbid, sarcastic, ballsy, and hilarious for your regular fortune cookie to handle!